MAY 16, 2001


Local Effort

State/County Assistance

Time Frame

Land Use

1.  Work towards development of Greenbelt surrounding the Village.

2.  Develop an open space and farmland preservation management plan for all the lands acquired or deeded to the municipality as part of the Kingston Greenbelt.

1.  KGA, a local non-profit Open Space Preservation Organization should continue working with regional and other local open space preservation groups to protect Kingston’s open space to assist towns, counties and State.

1. South Brunswick, Middlesex County, Franklin Township, Somerset County, and the State of New Jersey find ways to preserve undeveloped land as open space or farmland.  Properties to be considered include the significant holdings by NJDOT in the Kingston area, if and when they become available. 

1. Long

2.  Implement land use recommendations for the Village of Kingston and establish indicators and targets for measuring progress towards reaching the goals of their master plans.


2.  Propose a commitment to work with local communities and counties to identify properties and plan for creation of Kingston regional park for passive and active recreation consistent with existing resources.

2.  Short/Intermediate

2a. South Brunswick Township

2a. South Brunswick needs to incorporate its recommendations affecting the Village of Kingston into the South Brunswick Master Plan and incorporate appropriate Master Plan items into zoning ordinances.



2b. Franklin Township

2b. Franklin Township requests for office and research area to be rezoned for appropriate residential uses for open space acquisition and incorporate appropriate Master Plan items into zoning ordinance.



2c.  South Brunswick and Franklin Townships

2c.  The Townships develop a Route 27 corridor plan for the Kingston area, taking into account historic preservation and scenic designation, economic development, and transportation goals.  The Townships should also develop uniform zoning and design standards for the Kingston Village Center and environs areas.

2c.  The State of New Jersey and Middlesex and Franklin Townships support development and implementation of a Route 27 corridor plan with appropriate funding and regulatory assistance.


3.  Reclamation of Kingston Quarry

3. Franklin Township: Incorporate Master Plan items for Quarry into zoning.

Implement the reclamation plan which was presented and approved by Franklin Township.

3. Franklin Township and Somerset County; encourage long range planning for Kingston Quarry.


3.  Intermediate

4.  Preserve Laurel Avenue School Yard as Town Common.

4. A  task force with input from Franklin Township Board of Education, Kingston Citizens and South Brunswick Township work with the Town Common goal.

4. State and County provide funding as applicable.

4. Short/Intermediate

5.  Preserve Princeton Nurseries land for open space.

5. South Brunswick Township continue working with State to secure much of the former nursery property as possible open space.  The Township should work to ensure that any approved development of historically significant or environmentally sensitive lands south of the Village Center is fully justified to all relevant parties.

5. State: Continue working with South Brunswick Township to secure as much as possible of the former Princeton nurseries property as open space including expansion of the D&R Canal State Park.

5. Long


1.  Develop housing consistent with the character of the Village and based on an infill potential plan prepared by the Townships.

1. Townships implement zoning consistent with historic preservation goals (also see Land Use and Historic Preservation).

1. (see Land Use and Historic Preservation.

1. Intermediate/Long Term

Economic Development

1.  Increase parking in the business district.

1. Kingston should build upon its fund raising to seek new local initiatives such as federal, state and county grants.

1. State grants (e.g. NJDOT Centers of Place).  Also County and Federal grants.

1. Short/Intermediate Term

2.  Install crosswalks at pedestrian intersections. Make improvement along Main Street.

2. South Brunswick; work with NJDOT to insure that parking is preserved on Main Street northbound and that stanchions are installed in the Village in accordance with agreements.

2. Coordination with DOT

1. Short/Intermediate Term

3.  Form a Kingston Merchants Association

3. N/A

3. N/A



4.  Improve pedestrian and bicycle access to business district and evaluate the pedestrian and bicycle linkages with village of Rocky Hill, a neighboring designated village.

4. Franklin and South Brunswick Townships; work with Village in  NJDOT pedestrian/bicycle grant study.

4. State grants for implementation.

4. Short/Intermediate Term

5.  Main Street Business District Improvements.

5.  South Brunswick and Franklin Townships initiate joint grant application to Downtown New Jersey for business district improvements.  Both Townships Industry and Business Commissions meet with Kingston merchants to identify ways to attract new business and to support existing businesses.

5.  Seek State and County grants to fund business district improvements and other economic development opportunities.

5.  Intermediate/Long


1.  Address burgeoning commuter traffic through the Village.

1. Support the completion of Route 522, with full access from all major north/south roads connecting to it, and proper mitigation.


1. Intermediate/Long Term

2.  Ameliorate the increasing traffic problems in the community.

2. Support conducting a comprehensive professional traffic study of the village and its environs.



3.  Increase traffic calming, traffic speed reduction, and traffic law enforcement.

3. Support widening of Route 1 in South Brunswick, using this to evaluate and design adjustments to current county and local roads.

a. Implement a 25 mph maximum speed limit in Kingston with graduated speed reductions from outside of core village area.

b. Redirect heavy trucks from residential areas unsuitable for such traffic by establishing light truck only ordinances and by designating official Township truck routes.

c. Redesign problem intersections with improved pedestrian safety.

d.  Gateways to the town would help provide an identity and transition to the community.



4.  Develop better local pedestrian and bicycle access to parkland.

4. Improve and maintain traffic signs, crosswalks and other pedestrian safety measures.

a. Improve citizen participation in traffic planning.



5. Track developments related to the possible construction of Route 92 and the widening of Route 1 for their potential impact on Kingston; study any potential adverse impacts to identify mitigation efforts that could preserve and protect the character of the Village Center and its environs and the quality of life of the community.

5. South Brunswick and Franklin Townships monitor these developments and allocate funds for appropriate studies and for reviews of regulatory agency actions and findings; share the result of any township studies with the relevant State and federal agencies.

5. The State of New Jersey should incorporate into its decisions about Route 92 and Route 1 widening design remediation of any adverse impacts on the Kingston village center and its environs.

5.   Short/Intermediate/



6. Explore possibility of East/West bus route through village.




Natural Resource Conservation

1.  The greenbelt around Kingston should be maintained through large-scale open space, and farmland, and acquisition.

1. Townships should work with neighboring communities, county and state agencies to acquire open space.  Municipalities will participate in the watershed planning initiative.

1. County and open space acquisition programs.

1. Short/Intermediate

2. Plant street trees

2. Shade Tree Commissions should work with the Village to encourage appropriate trees and hedges along village streets and the roads of the Environs.

2.  County or State Funds

2. Short/Intermediate

3.  Use light pollution control mechanisms.

3. Municipal ordinance and development application review.

3. State legislation


4.  Prevent inappropriate outdoor advertising in open space areas, scenic and historic areas.

4. Municipal ordinance

4. State legislation



1. Promote better pedestrian, bicycle, and public transportation.

1. Revision of South Brunswick and Franklin Township Bikeways Plan.

1. NJDOT land (in South Brunswick) should be purchased or leased from the State when and if they become available and maintained by South Brunswick or Middlesex County, NJDOT land (in Franklin) should be purchased or leased from the State when and if they become available and maintained by Franklin Township or Somerset County.

1. Long/Short/Intermediate Term

2.  Acquisition of new park areas and NJDOT properties when available if determined by  DOT to be excess property

2. Coordinate activities with Franklin Township.

2. Kingston, South Brunswick, Middlesex County and Somerset Counties as well as the State should work in partnership with the D&R Canal Commission, D&R Greenway and other regional and state open space organizations to preserve properties as regional park.

2. Short/Intermediate

3.  Preserve additional D&R Canal properties as regional park.

3. Coordinate activities with neighboring       County and State.



Historic Preservation

1. Maintain the village’s character and historic nature.

1. The Master Plans of South Brunswick and Franklin Townships should reflect the historic nature of Kingston.

1.  Grants form the State Historic Preservation Office (e.g. CLG Grants) and grants from Middlesex and Somerset Counties.

1. Short/Intermediate

2. Zoning should be adjusted to meet the historic preservation goals.

2. Zoning should be adjusted to meet the historic preservation goals.

2. State relocation of Rockingham Historic Site (in Environs).



2a. South Brunswick should pass a historic preservation ordinance to establish a historic preservation commission and districts.



3.  Townships should cooperate with each other to insure the historical integrity of Kingston.

3. Townships should cooperate with each other to insure the historical integrity of Kingston and work to secure Scenic Roadway status for the Kings Highway.

3.  Seek County and State support for Scenic Roadway status.


4.Maintain Kingston as a

walkable historic community


4.Franklin and South

Brunswick Townships; work to secure the preservation of appropriate land in the Environs to provide historic context and buffer areas



5.  Preserve the historic character of Main Street and the King’s Highway.

5.  Work to secure the placement of appropriate portions of the Environs on the National Register (of Historic Places).

5. Grants from Green Acres Program to secure context and buffers for historic areas


6.  Recognition of Kingston as part of the Crossroads of the American Revolution Project.

a. Both Franklin and South Brunswick should work with Lawrence Township, Princeton Borough and Township to build upon  their successful  nomination and submit portions of Route 206 and 27 to the State and National Registers of Historic Places to address common historic preservation concerns.

6. State maintenance of the King’s Highway in accordance with its status as a NR Historic District.


7.  Preserve the character of the historic and rural agricultural area and greenbelt

7. The community should support the Kingston Historic Society (KHS).




a. Franklin should make revisions to its Historical District Ordinance to meet CLG guidelines and apply for CLG status.




b. The KHS should continue to encourage and assist public and private preservation efforts in Kingston and also in other portions of Franklin and South Brunswick Townships and the region.



Public Facilities

1. Address concerns regarding the Stony Brook Sewage Treatment Plan.

1. A representative from Kingston should attend the public board meetings at the Treatment Plant to present concerns about the odor and the routes of sewer trucks through Kingston.


1. Intermediate

2.  The number of utility poles should be minimized.

2.  Research on planning, procedures and funding should be conducted on the installation of underground wires.



3.  Monitor Cell Phone Tower planning and construction

3.  Municipalities seek ways to limit construction of cell towers in Kingston open space, historic and scenic areas, or if constructed seek ways to construct them with minimal visual and aesthetic impact.


3.  Short/Intermediate     Long



Intergovernmental Coordination


1. Coordinate with

surrounding municipalities,

County and State regional planning efforts regarding transportation.

1. Better governmental mechanisms need to be in

place to act as an advocate for the communities.


1. Long Term



2.  Cooperation between municipalities for the Village of Kingston



2a.  Townships institute a permanent joint advisory committee for Kingston Village to oversee implementation of PIA goals.


2a. Short term


2b. The permanent joint advisory committee explores possible expansion of the Kingston VCD to include small sections of Princeton Township and Mercer County that are historically a part of Kingston.

2b.  OSP should work with the Townships and expansion of the VCD.

2b. Intermediate/Long Term

3.  Long term, regional traffic planning and law enforcement.

3. Franklin and South Brunswick Townships should work with other municipalities for long term regional traffic planning.  There is a need for long term, regional traffic planning and law enforcement. 


3.  Short/Intermediate/



Short term denotes less than one year.

Intermediate denotes between 1-5 years.

Long term denotes more than 5 years.